by azurylipfe
"An Esoteric Paradigm of Bogosity"
Again in dreaming i've been sent your shade
out of some darker dark, to take my sleep.
You stood as you did once and may so still,
beneath great trees whose fastness gave us peace.
It was the edge of evening; rushing cars
drowned out the leaves' soft chatter and we were waiting
--we were waiting for the others. I had come
only to be, this hour, alone with you.
Whatever stormlash chased me to your door
quite vanished into breezes when i arrived,
all unprepared to share the whole mad tale then...
waiting, while guests began to wander through,
at opposite ends of the yard. You smiled, and though
i saw you, i did not know who you were.
We resent the exiguities of modern life, yet we would not forswear the least part of it; no, not even doors that open of themselves.
Behind as-Sahab. (via Global Guerrillas)
Nuking the Fridge. (via Doubletongued dot org)
26 Things You can Do.
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