Tuesday, November 03, 2009

The dark pavilion'd song of apogee plaintiff
abides. The whist of perigee is constant.

Hieroglyphs without myst'ry haunt this musjid
the cure for ev'ry zodiac of brainwash.

How i long to withhold the brush of scalprum
whose dawning like a Lesser Grebe is punctual.

Rightclick and the wolves of consensus soldier
on. There is nothing mad in being gleeful.

I failed corsned.

"Thor, having Willed himself to Power and recreated his city of Asgard, is looking for the other Nordic Gods. He flies to post-Katrina New Orleans." (via Pseudopodium)

As Used on the Famous Nelson Mandela.

"Nobody knew where Alaska was when it was sold, which may be a reason it was so cheap." --Edward Hoagland, Notes from the Century Before (1969)

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