Tuesday, November 10, 2009

    "Canzone: Elegy for Hussain"

Given up under torture
names of friends, the frenzied virtue waltz

a commodity
in the beginning, borne on smoky zephyrs

hidden road
through the lachrymose garden of Pulumchva

fading, no fixture, irrational
mixture of star and angel

the arc from candle
to stilbtrap

Cornish asphodel
panhandler olympics in Xipetotec

the vanquished desires

offers of sciamachy
by in-cahoots officers shadowed

even our dreams might throb with finitude's frost
paean Gjeld

in the fists of each peon hajji
warrior from Tau Ceti

blindfold march, opium worrier aion
rains opinion vap

craft ebbing
in overcast nirvana

sound of walking on wet gravel, against Vlad
this dark albedo

i find, a limber climber, wolfchurch
rat's amber

and following home the oblong ox
tuned to an oolong rainbow

wrecks the lexicon
my soft slag

here, wretched and robed in phosphorescent fire
here, rigid in death

change of tide
depth charge of boiling sibilant art

over the muezzin's taiga
scatter Carcosa filaments scatter gold

the wrathful ouzel
its shadow glides upon the ocean

digs the sand
of a sunk theocracy's

least common fnord and liripoop hobbitfrith
glean transparent deuce

a thousand bright chrome meanings
and mazy folds of nascent Armageddon

perfect myrrh
implicit as citadel in my

crossings tzigane

zigzag bright the tarmac cwm
adamant jade mayfly convex basilisk

Shaggai taikonaut tuatara
dusting now our liaison

hurls pillbug
after pillbug quest

what fulvous cuneiform communion
pontiff to this andiron glow of vermilion

snavvles the quaint manticores
with pillbug limits

if you can't
thristnidinghent profound attains your sand coil

acres of diamonds

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