Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"The novelist and critic Masamune HakuchĂ´ (1879-1962) said that it was only when he read [The Tale of Genji] in English translation that he realized how truly fascinating it was." --Ikeda, On the Japanese Classics (1974; tr B Watson 1979)

   Yves Bonnefoy: Threats of the Witness (my tr.)

In this garden you've stopped coming,
The trails of aching and loneliness erase,
The weeds stand for your dead face.

You don't care anymore that there may be hidden
In the rock the dark church, in the trees
The blinded face of a reddened sun;

You suffice
To perish lengthily as into sleep,
You love no more even the shades you wed.

" 'Nobody ever really knows what they want,' Charley said. 'Why should that change after you die?' " --Kelly Link, Magic for Beginners (2005)

Alliance of Enemies.

"When will the chicks of the same mother hen remove the colors from their faces and recognize each other as brothers and sisters?"

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