Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Odd, compelling cover of "Hey Joe".

"The brutal reality of politics alone would probably be intolerable without drugs." --Hunter S Thompson

    "Games the Poet Plays with the Skeleton"

Goth Day at Disneyland.
Wasabi peanuts

Soylent night

"Suddenly a possible ruse occurred to me. We had heard stories about women who had been raped so often and so roughly that their flesh was all torn, at which point the Russians were no longer interested. Undoubtedly these soldiers knew this too. Anyway, I had to try something... I remained standing, quite close to him, and shook my head sadly. A dark scowl of impatience came over his face and he started tugging at my slacks. This was the moment. Refusing my trembling body the slightest backward movement, I simply shook my head again and, pointing at myself, said softly, 'Kaput.' The fellow had an extraordinarily expressive face. In a flash his expression of comanding impatience changed to one of sadness and sorrow. Reaching up, he touched me very gently in the only place that was of importance to him and asked, 'Kaput?' I nodded... I left him sitting in the grass with his head in his hands, the very picture of dejection." --Henriette Roosenburg, The Walls came Tumbling Down (2000)

    "Feral Carol"

Christmas early came this year
for shoppers in Nebraska cheer...
Mass murder planned,
publicity for free:
When will people understand
guns are the real onscenity?

Less of a crowd at Starbucks now.
What can anyone do but be
sick we allow
fools in a foolish land?
When will people understand
guns are the real obscenity?

Let no carols henceforth flee
to the azure lift, but bullets strand.
This season's bargain,
to fall a human target.
When will people understand?
Guns are the real

Groovy "Lineman". (via Metafilter)

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