Friday, November 06, 2009

    "Garden of Allah" (Pessoa XXI.)

The Zombie Apocalypse might be well worth seeing,
if only for the frenzy of the shapes.

The wizard is a human being
or human frame o'er which his magic drapes.
Rise from the wrist, O kestrel slithy teach.

I; for folk for rim mutiny sense
mutiny mutiny bleed. Day/- Rain reach

The wizard is a lost intelligence
the introverted obelisk omitted.
You should have known.

Fish on fire, their tidings benefitted
with white phosphorus. Crystal do them shown
Podkayne commoners grope desert aright

the laughing of the leaping parasite. [sight]

More Lovecraftian than any of the nominally-Mythos films: Cronenberg's Naked Lunch.

A Dandy in Aspic.

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