Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Puppini Sisters

    "Autobiography of Cyclone Fence"

Heartworms reinforce fatidic crisp
stymie swarm
go around smarting
as broken bells siliqua indigo of
formal troglodyte octave
meld after ransom

starkers silvery addict limit
scoop occult
frost tinge tsimtsum spoolage ostiole ether
dynasty ambergris binge
rebar ashram twelve

   lines from Royston's Lycophron:

Deep in the tomb, and cavern'd gloom of Death,
Alive shall they descend, unwept, unmourn'd,
And roof'd with horrent stone the Daunian race
Raise the rude monument; thus shall they hold
The plains beloved, the portion of the king,
Son of the boar, who ground with cruel jaws
The warrior's head, and dyed his tusks in blood.

Endarkenment. (via wood_ lot)

Top language blogs. (via languagehat)

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