"Thus when Salazar passed from the scene, critics were faced with a challenge: either the old Pessoa had to be reduced in stature or a new Pessoa had to be created." --Darlene Sadlier, op cit
"...two Pessoa films were released--Mensagem [Message], based on the poem, and Conversa Acabada [Conversation over]..." -ibid
"apple cider + theraflu"
Zuni ages
accord lock
radon i blare
bosk law yellow
AWOL leywalk
sober albino
dark cold roc
case gain
"Pessoa's first biographer tells us that Pessoa read Nordau's book as others read the Bible." --George Monteiro, Fernando Pessoa and Nineteenth-Century Anglo-American literature (2000)
"And, if Mário António, the Angolese poet, is right, even the chambermaids in Lisbon now speak a different Portuguese from their mothers' because Fernando Pessoa wrote his poems." --Edwin Honig, preface to his Pessoa (1971)
"After publishing his group of 'Twelve Poems by Alberto Caeiro' in New Directions Annual 19, he [Thomas Merton] answered my letter, ...with the information that he...had mainly done the dozen to convince Suzuki that Pessoa had really created a Zen Buddhist in the heteronymic poet, Caeiro." --ibidhyonmu (via korea-np.co.jp/pk)
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