(via Squatter City)
"...three of the four Beatles (Avalanchurus lennoni, Avalanchurus starri, Struszia mccartneyi), all five of the Sex Pistols (Arcticalymene rotteni, A. viciousi, A. jonesi, A. cooki, A. matlocki), and four of the Ramones (Mackenziurus johnnyi, M. joeyi, M. deedeei, M. ceejayi) have trilobites named after them."
"There is no denying that the mottoes and lyrical fragments of the Novels are of all Scott's work the most difficult part to edit. ...He had at last the frankness to avow that they were 'sometimes quoted from reading, or from memory, but in the general case were pure invention.' ...the artifice was bolder when he advanced to the invention of verse for Dr Isaac Watts and Sir David Lyndsay. Even here his invention did not end: he found at least a score of titles for non-existent poems from which he pretended to quote, and there is some suspicion that he also created a poet or two upon whom to father his fabrications." --J Logie Robertson, intro to The Poetical Work of Sir Walter Scott (1926)
fane shadowy, rising against gray
and vehicle t'ward
where we must be if we are at all
and to plant it here,
get the next driver to listen up...
Momus reconstructs a tender passage in his life--using PS3.
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