Tuesday, December 01, 2009

part two

frostbite arraignment · Goshen
assailing stilb · ibis withers
stern · be fault-bright cradle cam
pilcrow agonist · ink ammo
leaves infirm strike · ignorant wool
as ghostly settled

frantles crystal warp · antique
stuffings · flower mesh isthmus scoop
or wyvern ascot · stirrup
capitulates · flawless twilight
fallout from spigot rasp · until
streaming wink · squeaky

Vic Mizzy scowls · ambuscade
within azury tzaddik · hyssop
tsunami · scoriac foam
twinkling flute psalm wails · impasse abs
further asphault access · Hastur
adjusts serpent swamp

pewter dome of sky · drizzle
with unseen calamities thrang
the walls are still holding · sing
lodestone of the unborn dazzle

affirm the party of disease
the glory of plague

a squeaky escape, a speck
of mosque quartz · pumpkin belching quack
and quick mosquito venom

the crystal labyrinth nova
tutelary molybdenum
trance Tannu Tuva

in a state of red · deranged
by the infall · all we need is
abolish capital gains
all we need is · prison shadows
level the playing field · sell off
your VHS's

dusk on the moon Miranda
huge green birds ascend · their wings turn
slowly in the waning light

a cluster of trapezoidal
prisms · a solemn fugue unfurls
as i cross the bridge

boustrophedontic'lly (oh!)
scanning the names for my name (where?)
in Issue 1 · as the banks
shimmer into rainbow flurry

crawling through Downtown · the sky blank
and the jazz withered

with toothmarks

"...in such a numb somnambulism shambles humanity." --M P Shiel, The Lord of the Sea (1901)

Mystery of the Aleph.

Star-studded Disch memorial.

"The conservative 'journalists' are like workers in a factory that’s polluting a river which flows through the neighboring countryside. If the pollution is stopped, they fear they will lose their jobs. So it’s in their interest to fight environmental controls, keep the factory running and leave it to someone else to clean up the mess."

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