Tuesday, February 09, 2010

"The Old Label Was Better"

skype eyelet
the ways of desire
target negative-target target
the G P S Raven
even in darkest Addison
Dewitt recurs
this soup of air
orange level & inimical
picture winow holding
the poem i have lost
the poems i have lost
circle this one
on the pentapod planet
transfer of cash as data
weeks of night
and bright desire
like the Milky way faint
& visible only under certain conditions
as when the price of gas
rises above a hundred dollars
an ode to a rat beautiful
as insanity
and the domed em'rald city
under the sands rises
to unfold under stars
of sacrifice under stars
of cephalopods

"My heart is moved by all I cannot save:/ So much has been destroyed/ I have cast my lot with those/ who, age after age, perversely,/ with no extraordinary power,/ reconstitute the world." -Adrienne Rich, "Natural Resources" (quoted in Harken)

Puffy Ami Yumi (live?)

Autobahn...sort of.

A cartoon by David Sipress in The New Yorker shows a smiling editor behind her desk. Across from her, an author looks shocked as the editor says, "We'd like to publish it, do nothing to promote it, and watch it disappear from the shelves in less than a month." (via)

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