Sunday, September 17, 2023

( via / via )

"The Greek has a fluidity of thought and syntax which in English has only been achieved by Milton."

"Neuroscientist Kiminobu Sugaya studied songbirds and found out that canaries stop singing every autumn when the brain cells responsible for song generation 'die'.

However, the neurons grow back over the winter months, and the birds learn their songs over again in the spring." --@zaharaesque

"While in South Africa, where Pessoa lived between 1896 and 1905, he sent another work to the Natal Mercury under the name of Charles Robert Anon, attempting without success to publish three political sonnets about the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905." (via Mefi)

coolness, morning star, pale cerulean
ink glistens a second · windowflash turquoise

the last cicala
sizzling blue

that ocean when i got there
at times indeed shone azure

a message
in the paper's blooming Prussian blue

let Graywyvern delve
Döppler shift of the terrible oncoming

The Shakespeare of travesty.

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