Wednesday, September 27, 2023

( via / me )

"It ended up being quite a complicated thing because here I was 13 years old, living in the suburbs of Dallas, Texas, with my mother and father out in the front on the weekends in Bermuda shorts doing the lawn, while I was in the back in my bedroom at my typewriter, answering letters from the devotees."

"...Seaward the prows are turned; the ships
Fast anchored, and the curved sterns fringe the beach." --Cranch's Virgil, VI.

"...a meeting with John Cage—in this case at Texas Tech in 1960—proved to be a turning point."

a silkworm's spider silk
two books or three
how is it i'm not clear
from the surface of Bennu
the road to Kalasma kludged

but just maybe
that road is already there

you can ask too much of reason
expect it to solve
what can't be solved
& you can ask nothing
of reason at all

starry starry night
paint your palette blue and gray

on a rocky shore
momentary castaway
& this sometimes nevermore

i'm Indian summer
the ornate new skatepark
no one wants an ounce of

numb Indian summer
record-nuking number

"I knew two other morticians who were also heavy into acid."

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