Thursday, September 07, 2023

( via / via )

"For some deeply human reason, the systems we currently build are unquenchingly thirsty for coercive resources to punish tiny acts of resistance to the inadequate and failing services they provide."

when are the masks arriving?
the new castle
five hundred years old

used to be reachable
by a single-person walkway

available for birthdays

not given shelter
to build

castles in the sky

the pitch i would submit
is so thick
it drips a hundred years one drop
the pitch i would submit
is a corkscrew curveball
the pitch i would submit
is one
you will never hear
the pitch is the only part

that doesn't move

steering wheel too hot to hold

"When face to face with one’s years, time becomes an overture for the events of the self."

"It's been a long time since the swindlers started from scratch." --Elias Canetti

"A ghost story that is also a jigsaw puzzle."

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