Sunday, October 15, 2023

( via / via )

Pardoned of the unknown fallacy that contained the remnants of an expressive request.

"also, and I feel this is related, and I've told this before, but a friend found herself to be kind of a romantic clown bait. She kept falling in love with clowns. Then she met this wall street trader, and she was relieved, and then after a couple of dates they went up to his place, and were about to have sex when she saw pictures of the dude in clown garb on the wall. The guy was a clown on the DL" --angrycat on metafilter (via diwan: a wind 10-29-14)

"He has even tracked down the only two surviving examples of the same make and model." More. And so it goes.

catholicity spawns
sporadic avalanche
& not seldom the launch
of a new tribe of stans

there candles bloom like flowers
clowns beheading clowns
& labyrinths ebbing
in the eyes of the ravens

Labyrinths ebbing.

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