Saturday, October 21, 2023

( via / via )

"...these hazy 70s-era gems, as strange and surreal as they might be, feel like a cozy comfort watches..."

"But secretly I believe that, if I dwell on the worst, it can't happen. It would be too absurdly coincidental for me to be studying the possibility of a safe falling on my head at the same moment that a safe actually falls on my head. So I spend a lot of time conjuring evil. It keeps the tide flowing." --Katherine Dunn, Toad (2023)

Ten Gems of Decadent Cinema.


Like blueprints hung on a clothesline,
anywhere I could have lived
is rinsed into the dirt,
my final and my only home.

I lack a long-ago, a childhood:
I spit its name into my wounds.

I am ringed by a landscape
of complete aversion. The compass
hides its face, the horizon lights
a familytree-fuse that explodes in me—

In the middle of the sea,
sole survivors of a cargo shipwreck,
welcome-mats line the shore
of a desert island."

--Bill Knott

Bad Timing, or, Toby tell Me Tru.

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