Tuesday, October 31, 2023

( via / via )

Various interpolated textures.

"...each man imagines he is situated in the center of the world. The illusion of perspective places him at the center of space; an illusion of the same kind falsifies his idea of time; and yet another kindred illusion arranges a whole hierarchy of values around him. ...We live in a world on unreality and dreams. To give up our imaginary position as the center, to renounce it, not only intellectually but in the imaginative part of our soul, that means to awaken to what is reral and eternal, to see the true light and hear the true silence." --Waiting for God


the clowns have no eyes
in the land of eye for an eye

fighting or at ease
the clowns have no eyes

whatever this game is
all its plays destroy

the clowns have no eyes
in the land of eye for an eye

Iyer, Weil podcast.

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