Monday, November 27, 2023

( via / via )

"Like the cigarette companies of the past, big tech will deflect and deny responsibility for these ills until it ceases to be profitable to do so." (via Mefi)

"Who might calibrate the rains upon marmoreal lake, these tears marionette upon the griddle?" --Kristin Ryling

NITEFLYTE in pixels...

when a ship crosses the line
that marks the middle of the globe
you join the shellback tribe
& as polliwog no more wone

all of us lubbers crossed
another line not far back
though we did our best to block
one hell of a Pyrrhic forecast

two degrees of heat
which is better than eating glass
& the world's still not at peace
& we strain at each fucking gnat

the earth of yesterday morphs
into one a whole lot harsher
our stint at gleeful torture
is garnish on the share each scarfs

so this was just a line
among so many we've crossed
all the children sacrificed
to a Moloch that's a Peloton

Moody skyline.

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