Saturday, February 17, 2024

( via / via )

"But what we forget is that we did, for a brief moment, have this moment of mutual care and the common good of us as a society."

""Mean-time, in sable Cincture, Shadows vast,
Deep-ting'd and damp, and congregated Clouds,
And all the vapoury Turbulence of Heaven
Involve the Face of things."

--James Thomson

Asked the ai to create a stupid painting and then asked chatgpt to look at it and praise it as a masterpiece.

"This is part of a poem I wrote in Arabic:

How old are you now?
Twenty nine.
What have you accomplished so far?
I'm still trying to count the fingers of the sun
when it enters our house in the camp,
and the color of the moon's face when it loses
its dice game in the sea,
and the features of our clock’s face
when the batteries die."


Ball Game.

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