Saturday, February 03, 2024

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The ultimate black book.

"My son is taking ballet lessons in hopes of someday being a luchador.😒" --@raymondpettibon

"In fact, if a character isn’t legibly stressed about their living situation, then, as contemporary readers, we begin to wonder why. Are we reading about a secret aristocrat, or perhaps the ostensibly naturalistic novel in our hands is actually a piece of magic realism, set in a world that is broadly recognisable but in which Thatcher didn’t sell off all the housing stock?


Control of the passes was, he saw, the key
To this new district, but who would get it?
He, the trained spy, had walked into the trap
For a bogus guide, seduced by the old tricks.

At Greenhearth was a fine site for a dam
And easy power, had they pushed the rail
Some stations nearer. They ignored his wires.
The bridges were unbuilt and trouble coming.

The street music seemed gracious now to one
For weeks up in the desert. Woken by water
Running away in the dark, he often had
Reproached the night for a companion
Dreamed of already. They would shoot, of course,
Parting easily who that were never joined."

--W. H. Auden

Long journey ahead.

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