Friday, February 16, 2024

( via / via )

Lego Inferno.

"I feel like literary twitter is a subterranean warren of intersecting and very personal feuds and that every time I like a tweet in its own context it’s like accidentally stepping in a rabbit hole with the potential to agitate — even harm — the little rabbits" --@mcmansionhell

Outdoor Piranesi.

"origin story"

peaked arch off Mechanic Street
haunted by the absence of revenants

of so much not saved

they said we will build a city here
whether or not
anyone wants there to be

not so many mutters
in the mild gray piled-up
ashvalentines · vicious
velleities playing

bare trees pouring pollen
pangs of vetust dew stir
finding out with Endor
owllight ashvalentines

cat-pulled wagon witnessed
by my wordmath gathered

only to say sunward
is set all my debt-flags

moonward all my mulled wine

Liminal Alcatraz.

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