Saturday, March 02, 2024

( via / via )

"Have You Forgotten?"

"A terrible thought, that after God's withdrawal into silence the ancient mechanisms which made prophets should continue working, like machines left on in an abandoned factory: so that bearded wild men strode forth as before, howling, to any who would hear, their inarticulate warning." --John Gardner, The Sunlight Dialogues (1972)

"The currency of their shared world is image and text: the films of Josef von Sternberg, the art of Gustav Klimt, 'aching arousal' Gérard de Nerval's Aurélia; 'impasses'; 'intimate distances'; Georg Trakl's poems; 'mazes to be lost in'; Hölderlin's Hyperion; blow jobs; 'a shared commitment to sex'; box kites; 'puzzles . . . . because the language that could tell us what we were did not exist.' "."

(Aelindrome in 12341234123412341234)

Melody, abloom,
treads a dale
in gloomy March.

A season,
and he abandons
a search.

May, looming,
leads a dream
to a bloody elm...."


"The hobbits of J.R.R. Tolkien’s fictional Middle Earth embody the trend quite well."

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