Monday, March 25, 2024

( via / via )

"Haiti has no weapons or ammunition factory... So the weapons and ammunition that circulate in Haiti and that sow mourning in Haiti are coming from elsewhere and, for the most part, from the United States.."

darkness so intense
it makes hallucinations

bulbous thegnmobile marred by
sheer reality skidmarks

Snippet of a piece.

ghazal of the long dying
nothing can be made of this except dying

i wanted to write about three narcissists
but my ears were filled with the sound of thousands dying

why do we build these hellish pyramids
when all they do is turn our worship to dying

no god or democratic vote can rid
the people of these parasites, save dying

Graywyvern's poem says: better you lift a hand
against the nearest tyrant, or fail dying

the bigness of their littleness fills the sky


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