Tuesday, May 07, 2024

( via via @hookland / via )

"Behind the curtain of concepts like 'convenience' and 'progress' lies the audacity of an industry that claims that our lives are “just there” as an input for them to process and exploit for value." (via Mefi)

"Deaf Beethoven but a writer goes mute
writing what no longer can be heard performed
and syllables which habit made stand for sounds
diminish to inaudible directives...,"

--Gerald Burns, "Punch in a Nutshell"

"I wanted to compose Anglo-Saxon alliterative verse simultaneously in Old English and Modern English."

"dangerous secrets"

the buzzkill burned · into bated commute
not mollified much · with melodious drool
sweep up the swift · unswaddling's confetti
last night's tornado · before the next
by all means vote · avoid antlers
   as you shuffle through the short blades
   the storm made multiply

"The story has a hard edge to it, in a sense. I chose it as a means of demonstrating that history and culture existed in this country of ours well before the 1840 date commonly used by many Pakeha (ie European settlers) as our 'founding' date! I so often hear people talk about how they joined the SCA because New Zealand has no history..."

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