Sunday, August 18, 2024

( via / me )

"Hind Rajab's death has already been forgotten..." (via @jorie_graham)

"The hidden moon shed thievish light
In the misty air."


"The singular & intoxicating charm of Stonehenge to me, & to most I think, is that no one in the world can tell you anything about it."

there might have been a time i'd rue
a scrolling hour's fruitless churn
as all the half-thoughts fluttered free
that could not stay me in my quest

there might have been a time i'd seek
more than the lifting of the hold
that boredom, dread, & hopeless rage
impose upon each passing mote

but that was long ago, before
i learned what scant regard is due
to each rogue leaf from season's shift
& how much pain that shred still knows

Play With Me.

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