Tuesday, September 17, 2024

( via / via via @grimartgroup )


Random # 251 = 506 in base-7; 5 + 0 + 6 = 11 lines

Woe rides. Water sidles.
Waves ferry. Thought narrows.
Crystal moon. Crowdcounts wane.
The crutch scrapes. Draw tapeworm.
Learn signs. Love tinsel.
Last chance. Suspect cancer.
Books pile up. Bale hollows.
Bus'ness rules. Chase fool's-fire.
We are fine. War bonus.
Weary slog. Shoes soggy.
Shapes haunt. Hear the winter.

Sloping off t’pub a-bloody-gain. (via @grimartgroup)

"I have arrived somewhere, via poetry, that is realer than real, and it is a reality that defies time and space. I think of a line in a poem by Linda Pastan, 'You Are Odysseus,' spoken by Penelope: 'Only my weaving is real.' " --Diane Seuss

"You're trying to divide by zero."

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