Wednesday, October 02, 2024

( via / me )

"The weapons must offer potential buyers what they seek, which is generally something between control and deterrence, a balance most easily struck—for those without ethical qualms—through terror." (via @maryturfah via @aliner)

"Narrative phantasy is healing. By placing our sorrows under the narrative light, it takes away their oppressive facticity. They are absorbed by narrative rhythms and melodies. A story raises them above mere facticity. Instead of solidifying into a mental block, they liquefy in the narrative flow."

--Byung-Chul Han, The Crisis of Narrative qtd at spurious.typepad

Limited incursion. (Random # 108 = 213 in base-7; 2 + 1+ 3 = 6 lines

delicate stink astir
my black coat garners calories
in the stark calm
not thinking of the throngs
trying to outrun the troubles


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