"Where the slag of world crumbles cooling/ In thunders and rainy portents."
Delmira Agustini: Ofrendando El Libro
(to Eros)
Because you make the lioness your dog,
O stronger than Life, and bind her fast within
the rose-chain of your arm.
Because your body is the root, the knot
uniting the discordant stems of those
caladiums--pleasure and pain.
Because there blossoms in your beautiful firm
hands, as on a brooch of mystic diamonds,
the so intoxicating lily of Death.
Because higher than Space I can see you,
O bridge of fragrance, melody and light
connecting hell and heaven.
--With resplendent spirit and somber flesh...
(my translation: 1990)
Old Paris, Eugène Atget, 1890's.
"Oligarch writing a NYT op ed indistinguishable from the thoughts of a Philip K Dick character based on the stupidest guy he worked with at a TV repair shop in Berkeley in the early 50s" --via
The art of the prescription drug commercial, detailed oil painting, egon schiele.
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