Saturday, January 25, 2025

( via / via )

Midnight purge.

"Still, I waded.
A rape he paraded,
a few…
Still I was all:
a wall, its rafts.
A last fire rlses solemn.
I’ll, as I go, fade.
I died.
I saw a side.
I died.
A fog is all in me:
losses, ire, rifts
A last far still
A wall as a will it’s
We faded.
A rape he paraded.
A will it’s."

"But while the executive actions range in scope, legal experts have called attention to some curious common threads: bizarre typos, formatting errors and oddities, and stilted language — familiar artifacts that have led to speculation that those who penned them might have turned to AI for help."

"In the end, we will not remember the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

— MLK Jr.

Still true in 2025"

"heavy rain / the pobblebonk / calls for a mate."

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