Friday, January 03, 2025

( via / me )

On Dirk Bogarde in I Could Go On Singing.

"In a variety of ways literature incapacitates a man for the exigencies of existence." --Charles M Snyder, The Flaw in the Sapphire (1909)

"Long after the book was published, Vonnegut met a chemical engineering professor at a party and asked him if Ice-9 was theoretically possible."


necessary pond

out of all those formed
by the passage of water
over depressions

lone batrachian dwelling

master of all grays
& browns & blacks around him
still as the cold air

then suddenly not

the pond will wither
& its mud grow black cracklings
but the plop remains

"I’m looking for a place to stand, or a way to go, where the behavior of those I oppose will not control my behavior."

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