Friday, February 28, 2025

( via/ via )


“Word of the day is ‘sequacity’ (17th century): the slavish following of a person or cause without any independent thought or judgement.” –

If you watch “Jaws” backwards.


Snow fell, lightless. One moon
it has been or two, that autumn in monkish habit
brought news to me too, a leaf from Ukrainian scarps:

'Think, that here too it winters, for the thousand’s time now
in the country where the widest river flows:
Jaacob’s heavenly blood, blessed by axes…
O ice of unearthly redness — there wades your Hetman with full
retinue in the darkening suns… Child, oh a cloth,
to wrap myself in, when it shines helmets,
when the clod, the pinkish one, breaks open, when snowy your father’s
bones scatter, under the hoofs crush
the Song of the Cedar…
A scarf, a narrow scarflet, that I safeguard
now, as weeping you learn, on my side
the narrowness of the world, that never greens, my child, your child!’

Mother, autumn, it bled away for me, the snow, it burned me:
search for my heart I did, that it may weep, the breath I did find, oh that of summer,
like you it was.
Came my tear. Wove I the scarflet.”

–Paul Celan (tr Joris)

Twilight Towers.

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