"What you saw is mad[n]ess - madness like kind George III madness..."
"new moon
she adjusts the ring
that isn’t there"
--Frank Hooven via
"The original Sanskrit term cited by the last guy to usher a world-destroying device into history, the story of which delighted tens of millions of middlebrows throughout the Oscar season of a recent past —who seem still to believe that history itself is one giant biopic—, is कालः, which can mean 'Death', but more generally means 'Time': Krishna identifies himself as Time/Death to remind Arjuna of the all-pervasive force that consumes all things, and foils the vainglorious ambitions of all mortals. This is Time as simple duration, but we can also understand it, and are compelled by current events to understand it, as history. The revolution that has left us with a thoroughly memeified politics has indeed destroyed a world, if not yet the world (Krishna himself does not assume that there can be only one of them)." --Justin Smith-Ruiu
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