Friday, March 07, 2025

( me / via )

The Stones of Krasnov.

"It's always very funny when people recommend you read Sun-Tzu's The Art Of War, because it's about 10% 'Know your enemy' and 90% information about how many carts and bags of rice you're gonna need for an invasion."

Trellick, mon amour.

"Krasnov evaded"

the old darkness irks me
inyenzi attends
faithful as an oath-scar
eye-mote no blinks unjinx

dark as the range-dungeon
adorned with iota thorn
i lose roll time rummy
riddling out this grid

yet close darkness dices
a due meed its bleed
words like a waif dewfall
awarded one dord

i know so little

"At the end of the day, these phenomena were narrativized, exploited, and used to induce panic, terror, opportunities for control, and eventually led to the self-cannibalization of a community."

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