Wednesday, September 03, 2003

[In the museum for a different opening] i wandered into the
"Images of Mexico" exhibit & found half a dozen unballyhooed
paintings by Frida Kahlo. One, a self portrait with a chihuahua,
is just about the scariest painting i've ever seen. ...a
subtle & powerful statement about her attitude toward dying
(& living) that is hard to put into words, but unmistakeable...
[:} What use could Stoicism be as a philosophy to one
who lives in perpetual pain?

The Gnomic is a mood, but Justice itself is either a passion or
a desperate pretense. A passion--to remain cool-headed.
The world lacks, not so much truth, as moral courage. No one
has a long enough life to learn all the truths we've accumulated
in books already--& who tries for even a day to practice them?

Team sports is not only the religion of [Sensing-Perceiving types],
it is also the form their politics & sexuality take. This accounts for
90% of what happens on earth at any given moment; most of
the rest, is other types resisting this fact.

Mathematical proof that Ticketmaster is evil. (via Metafilter)

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