Saturday, December 27, 2003

Some people you have to give directions in landmarks, others (like me) in street signs; maybe literature is like that--it needs a story & also a meaning, one not reducible to the other, & both as clear & unique as possible. (Muddiness for enhancement only. Those who want all-muddy works are perceiving Literature itself as a single work with too much clarity (but how? their ignorance maybe) & wish to complete the big picture.) Character is part of story, images are part of meaning; where characters create images, the best literature is born; and what else is History but that part of events graspable in terms of characters creating images?

The taste for freedom as a form of sensuality. --How intuitives can be indulgent in a revelry of movement & change, to the exclusion of true growth. (My thousand interests--)

My ivory tower sank in quicksand.

To dwell among weapons, then: only possible for the unthinking, or the lucid suicidal, who find comfort in their potential, as in carrying house keys, while you move from room to room in a large locked mansion.

"To go to the stars, you must be worthy of going to the stars. And the stars don't care." --Terence McKenna

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