Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Dallas with Seattle skies. There was a year in the 80's when it rained all summer. I wonder if this will be like that one. I used to joke, ours was the only climate global warming would improve: 'cause it couldn't get any worse. In fact the savage hot summers that we'd learned to accept (like some remorseless proof of Original Sin or something) have been rather scarce in recent years. We had a real one a couple years back--& people who hadn't been here that long were appalled. They had no idea what they were getting into, obviously. There was a sort of wicked satisfaction in saying, this is what i've had to put up with, all my life. You won't get used to it, but in time you'll feel superior to those who live elsewhere, in halcyon regions
where eighty degrees is a heat wave.
I imagine the same snobdom must prevail in Dante's Nine Circles.

"...sacred words, which, to him, were not the wind, but the infinite circling maze of leaves blown before the wind." --William Sharp

A Sudanese painter. (via Sharp Sand)

The earliness of the hour precludes humor.

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