Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Gliese 581 = Wolf 562 = CD-07°4003 = Vyssotsky 159 =
HIP 74995 = HO Librae

by Karen Wehrstein

Hipparchos parallax: 0”.15962 & apparent visual magnitude: 10.57
Derived luminosity: 0.002024742123

Using a bolometric correction of -2.0025 & stellar temperature of 3187.5 K gives the bolometric luminosity of 0.012804709 & a derived radius of 0.3746627. [M6.625]

For the period of planet C given as 12.895 days & a stellar mass of 0.31, the semimajor axis of C is 0.072834353 astronomical units.

Its blackbody average temperature equals 348.6016961 K, and for albedos of 0.64, 0.50, and 0.35 the ungreenhoused planetary temperature yields the given figures of -3.0, 20.1 and 40.0 Celsius.

The “waterworld” model (with a radius of 6730.3 miles or 1.7 Earth’s) has an albedo of 0.55 which yields the average temperature of 12.5 Celsius. Due to the orbital eccentricity of 0.16, this would vary from -7.9 to 38.5 Celsius. Its subsolar point is 57 Celsius & its antisolar -23 Celsius.

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