Thursday, February 11, 2010

zaqqumsoma qoçaq jIQaw'ta'
otsaxtsax stranga
this urchin-snouted stillitory hour

thirteen ways
of looking at such a a
blackout vie and the

oblong silver ring, storming
or thing not,
out; we can't guess · quisling clinic finchineer

Xroshtag bopatrino kaprica
that need is yours · choqaSHa'
blinde so taleb and balletic

in the high dark room · fan sound if aught
clatter of plastic dishes · sleep
dishes · sleep

grips the rest of the household
in a lull
i make the first left

" are your new cigarettes."

"Romanticism produces no architecture, not even revivals, but it does use the ruins of other styles to dream in." --Sutherland, op cit

Excellent harp thread on Metafilter.

Another anniversary rolls around.

The "disaster tourism" bandwagon. (via Beyond the Beyond)

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