Thursday, February 11, 2010

"A barren landscape dotted with clutter. Perhaps the life of the last dinosaurs, as they ranged, puzzled and sorrowful, across the comet-seared planet, was similar to childhood." --Eisenberg

"Everything is Here"

jamna fizi'o ku bu'ocu'i pei
way semper bellum
crime and refreshment not in

that order

alias turquoise anodized you
aluminia HIvje'
the community of stains · damnatio
memoriae mi striglas qawHaq

you give it

a double of silences
· noHHom
parallel scars will
trace · stars without makeup
panpi kamju fezi'o find .uu
why we · are

"In twilight, when the lorn hyæna's strain
Reared to the clouds its lonely tower of pain."


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