Thursday, February 11, 2010

Meanwhile, in L.A....

Fuimus Troes, fuit Ilium glum
rich with humiliation
hoürs, SeHlaw rompida or lost

the instructions poor
veQ 6gji
mi bojkotas kaj sed
forward the spam of it on

jaS togh kludge
or Zugzwang in the prolonged present
"backward" Fajarowicz KraCHi hiniku

nihilist's gambit your lodge
nothing so other
as an insect or a ghost
· nothing

so kara
the Devil's own credit card acxetis this
folk for age under bleed; to

cold. or any John ngIm finished niche
Smith's Wesson

Easy to be Hard.

Inventions by kids, for kids.

18 calamitous music and movie packaging gimmicks.

Best anthropological sci-fi.

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