Monday, October 09, 2023

( via / via )

"The enthusiasm of academic departments and university presses for creative nonfiction and 'hybrid genres' that mix literary criticism with memoir has done nothing to dampen the persecution complex of those who insist that academia has declared their love illegal."

"A man who has something new to say...can only be listened to, to begin with, by those that love him." --The Need for Roots

Lightning Device.

all these records wait
for that random mood
to blossom when they're played
& gather what the twain impute

if once or twice i erred
& turned some into cash
that way i learned to cherish
the loyal armies i still had

the Great Arch glumly stands
rebuke to lesser reach
a baboon bard may cranch
in seasons where no word succeeds

"The pillars might stand for another 5,000 years. (IRONY TRIGGER WARNING) This site thinks only 250 years. (Wow, a whole wiki about post-human earth existence--talk about Non-Correlationism!)

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