Monday, October 09, 2023

( via / via )

"It is, in fact, an intercourse with ghosts..."


When, in the cold October dusk, I saw you near to setting,
   Arcturus, bringer of spring,
Lord of the summer nights, leaving us now in autumn,
   Having no pity on our withering;

Oh, then I knew at last that my own autumn was upon me,
   I felt it in my blood,
Restless as dwindling streams that still remember
   The music of their flood.

There in the thickening dark a wind-bent tree above me
   Loosed its last leaves in flight--
I saw you sink and vanish, pitiless Arcturus,
   You will not stay to share our lengthening night."

--Sara Teasdale

"But the new data show that sea levels became low enough for the land bridge to appear only 35,700 years ago."

"Watching these lewd fellows of the baser sort at their sordid toil, my mind reverted to certain incidents of the preceding night, and so drifted into a speculation on the peculiar kind of difficulties which at certain times beset certain sojourners on the rind of this third primary orb. The incidents, of course, have nothing to do with my story.

But as the mere mention of them may have whetted the reader’s curiosity, I suppose it is only fair to satisfy him." --Such is Life

"I then asked it to assign a human emotion that most closely resembles that 'hypothetical experience' to each."

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