Friday, November 03, 2023

( both by lanny quarles )

Deffo Breachmaker.

"Kero makes 'interactive mixed-digital net-core experiences,' which as far as Sebastian can tell means highly stylized internet art and video games that feature her own seapunk and vaporwave revival mixes, plus a loosely related online shop ('all my stuff takes place in the same universe') for retrophile stickers, enamel pins, iron-on patches, and other adornments she designs based on mediocre graphic design of the recent past." --Everyone on the Moon is Essential Personnel

Purple, pink & green.


We sweep the stoop, shake the sheets
into frozen February, their flannel fabric
like waves of warmth to wash away winter.
We light the candlewicks, the white wavering
in the Chinook's call. Our house clean
we paint the ceremonial plough pastel,
plant it, and water it well with whiskey.
We watch for the marks of the Maiden
sifting through seeds, sowing spring,
unrippling the roots of radish and rose.
Our yard soon unfolds yawns of yellow:
dim young daffodils to dwarf the darkness."

--Mary Alexandra Agner at Forgotten Ground Regained

Flickering entity.

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