Sunday, August 25, 2024

( via / me )

"Somewhere between puzzle, experimental rhythm, blues disguised as rock, and elaborate hoax..." (via feuilleton)

"the blue glittering light bewildered" --Hell of the Cyr

I Walk on Guilded Splinters.


A su manera,
al los aires asir,
nos alegro Jorge la sonrisa:
mar era.
A mi manera yo iba a Bioy.

¿Serás acaso ídolo, solo dios?

'A Casares yo iba, a Bioy.
Arena, mi mar era más,
ir nos alegró'.

Jorge la sonrisa sería,
sol; la arena: musa."

Translated from Spanish by Google


In his own way,
to seize the air,
Jorge made us happy with his smile:
sea ​​was.
'In my own way I went to Bioy.'

Will you be an idol, just a god?

'I used to go to Casares, to Bioy.
Sand, my sea was more,
It made us happy to go.'

Jorge the smile would be,
sun; sand: muse."


Mista, Skogula, and Zernebock.

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