Sunday, August 25, 2024

( via / me )

"And all pride's barefoot tarantelle on knives..."


I, the most lonely
mixes his veinwith ashes. Be the
travelling mast - Ijourney by night. Avoid
O avoid her, earnest
is the name I - itis revenge. Mine the
velvet empire, yours
the lonesome table
in the roof. First one?
Stone, I speak: Sam-Simae-line. End
I, it ends. Simar,
Simae, cross out the
line at the end. Ice
in the table. Roaring,
lonesomest I of
earth. A mast riseup in seas
and: the lonesome table."

--Unica Zürn via

"All this is fado."

"Academic publishing feels like burying something in the woods then drawing a map for your friends to find it." --@MisterBossy

It could have been worse.

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