Wednesday, September 03, 2003

"My life was now so hopeless that I wrote a book."
--Edward Dahlberg, Because I was Flesh

One who has ceased to share the illusions of a
group, is farther removed from them than if
he had died & come back to life. So it is with
me & artists.

The truth in alienation is the losing of the
illusion of homogeneity.

Dostoevski on wheels is unthinkable. --A clue.
Not having to drive is the luxury, instead of
having a car.

I drop in my tracks each night like a drugged

The Soviet-American hotline was once
accidentally cut by a Finnish farmer plowing his

We need a word for words that have 16 different
definitions--before we can get anywhere.

Boarding the bus: their anxiety that the system
won't work, anymore than it ever has worked for
them. Versus the truth of those who fly.

I hate injustice, but i don't love justice.

" his [Goethe's] first romance he devised
six brothers, each of whom 'wrote' chapters
in a different language. Goethe thereby perfecting
himself in German, English, French, Italian, Latin,
and Judaeo-German (Yiddish)..." --Walter Blumenthal,
Bookmen's Bedlam (1955)

Love, the Daedalus of paradoxes.

I am more certain than ever it is wrong to write
poems just because you think they should be
written. But this is the whole game nowadays.
How rude, then, for me to say: No poetry is
serious poetry unless its aim is to inspire awe.

"I want to be a carpet in a cathouse." --Kenneth
, The Journal of Albion Moonlight

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